1) The majority of cell phone offenders were female (bummer);
2) lack of awareness of their speaking volume and conversational tone;
2) lack of awareness of their speaking volume and conversational tone;
3) lack of awareness of the inappropriate nature of their conversations (topics were too personal and unsuitable for public consumption);
4) lack of awareness (or concern) for how their conversations impacted those around them;
5) inability or lack of desire to engage the other individual(s) with whom they were traveling;
I do not believe these individuals behaved poorly while using their cell phone for the sake of annoying others, instead I believe they behaved badly because they were simply unaware of their cell phone behavior. The next time you use your cell phone in public or at home, I ask that you use it consciously. Be present in your physical surroundings; be aware of how your cell phone use may be impacted those around you. Be mindful that children/youth may be watching you and will mimic your behavior, it's how children learn behavior.
While we may never challenge a person we don't know in public who may be annoying us as a result of their cell phone conversations, we CAN monitor and change our own behavior.