Sunday, February 13, 2011

March Is Social Work Month! Prepare Now For "Shout Out!" Day

The information contained in this blog entry was taken (and slightly adapted) from an email distributed by Dr. Robin Sakina Mama, Professor and Dean of the School of Social Work at Monmouth University. In Dr. Mama's email she asked that social work students and faculty mobilize on March 31st to stage various “Shout Out!” events to bring attention to the social work profession.

Shout-Out! is an effort to elevate the professional status of social workers, our visibility, and increase positive public perceptions. The NASW-PA, the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy and Practice, and other social work leadership have developed a model toolkit to assist other states, schools, and communities in hosting "Social Work Shout Out! events".  The idea is based on the belief that the more locations in the country where social workers stand outside on corners, train stations, city blocks, or even the only red light in town (at the same time) the greater the impact of each small event.  If social workers can show our unity and our size through a series of small, simple action, we can continue the difficult work of educating the general public about the hard work we do.

For additional information on the Shout Out!, see the toolkit link below that can be utilized and adapted to a variety of "Shout-Out!" events/activities at 
The toolkit includes the following information:

1)           A basic planning guide
2)           A sample press release
3)           A sample flyer
4)           Talking points about the profession
5)           A PDF of a brochure to educate the general public about the profession that was developed by NASW-PA
6)           A PDF of a graphic that could be printed on visibility signs
For further assistance, contact the National Association of Social Workers, Pennsylvania Chapter, at (717) 232-4125.