Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Take Good Care...

Logo - Social Work Month 2011      


Welcome to Social Work Month! I love being a Social Worker and am proud to be one of 640, 000 Social Workers across the United States. The month of March is a very special time for Social Workers as it allows us as a collective group to showcase to the world what we do day-in and day-out, 365 days a year. While we are a special group of committed, selfless individuals, we must also use this month to encourage members of our profession to take care of ourselves and each other emotionally, socially, and professionally.


As we showcase our impact and accomplishments with others across the United States, let us also use this month to self-educate and inform Social Workers about the importance of self care. Let us encourage each other to seek professional help when needed, and take time to become physically and emotionally healthy as well.


In caring for our clients and others, we many times experience second-hand stress, which is an unavoidable occupational hazard for some. This stress can wreak havoc on our emotional health, placing us at risk for illness and disease. As we celebrate Social Work Month, let us not lose site of the importance of self-care. I would like to challenge each Social Worker during this month to take time out for yourself by engaging in new healthful activities that bring you joy, peace and a sense of release. As societal caretakers and change agents we as Social Workers must take time to take good care... 

 I love being a Social Worker!

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